Experience the Freshness

Directly sourced from Australia's coast to your table

First of all

Our Mission

At Aussea Fresh, our mission is to provide our customers with the freshest and highest quality seafood products. We are committed to delivering the best possible seafood experience for our customers.

raw fish meat on brown chopping board
raw fish meat on brown chopping board
red and blue dragon on roof
red and blue dragon on roof

Not to mention

Our Fresh Seafoods

We import the freshest and highest quality seafoods from Australia, including salmon, king fish, and various types of tuna. Our extensive supply network guarantees you receive only the best seafood products.

people holding and slicing tuna
people holding and slicing tuna

And let's not forget

Our Expertise

Global Tuna Fishery Group is an international seafood import and export enterprise based in Beijing, China, with over a decade of experience in the industry. In addition to our extensive seafood supply network, we also have seven deep-sea fishing vessels that can catch tuna and other fish.

About Us

Aussea Fresh International Pty Ltd is a seafood import and export company based in Australia. We import seafood from Australia and export to China. Our offshore fleet company obtained the qualification of China's offshore fishery enterprise from the Ministry of Agriculture in 2010. We are committed to providing the best quality seafood products for our customers.

Experience the Freshness of Aussea Fresh

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